What is a Dab-making kit?

Dab-making kit

Whether you are a new pot smoker or have been doing it for a long time, you must be aware of dabbing. Dabbing got its popularity amongst pot smokers due to its high concentration of THC and other cannabinoids. 

The dab can be of several types depending on the texture of them, such as shatter, wax, oils, crumble, and THC butter. However, they are not edible and can not be consumed directly. These dab-making kits come into the picture. 

What is a Dab kit?

To consume the dabs, dabbing rigs are designed. These are especially designed bongs for the process of dab consumption. These kits might differ from the traditional bong structure and have more of a complex structure that contains various parts for different functioning. 

Parts of a dab making kit 

The most basic-to-basic structure of a dabbing kit has the following parts:

  • Nail 

It is the most important part of a dabbing kit as it is where the vaporizing of the dab takes place. It is where the heating takes place. The nail should be able to withstand the extreme heat given by the torch or lighter and can contain the very heat in it for a certain time period. 

The nail can be made up of different materials such as glass, titanium, quartz, ceramic, and e-nails. 

  • A Torch 

A torch is nothing but a lighter which produces heat to vapourize the dab material. The torch is kept in direct contact with the nail so as to produce the fumes.  

You can either use a simple torch or an e-nail controller (that uses electricity) which is new in the market. 

  • Dab Tool

A dab tool is used to handle the dabbing concentrate without smearing it on the hands or the other parts of the dab kit. It has a stick-like structure with a pointed end (to handle the dabbing material), made up of steel. 

What to look for while buying a dab kit?

People often get confused while buying a dabbing kit as there are numerous options in the market. Although, here are basic three points that one must consider while buying the kit:

  • Quality 

The quality of the kit should be your utmost priority. A kit should be able to work for a longer time without many issues. You should also check the warranty period of the kit. 

  • Budget

With so many available options in the market, there are kits that suit your budget. However, it is not recommended to ignore the quality and buy the cheapest one. 

  • According to consumption preferences 

A dabbing kit must be chosen precisely according to the dab material preferences such as oil, wax, etc. As the combustion process may vary for each. 



To anyone who wants to get the high hit of cannabis then dab making kit is the best option. Enjoy the dabbing with the most suitable dab rig for you as they come in different shapes, sizes, and designs. 
