What is better, insurance with a copay or without a copay?

health insurances

Do you know what health insurance with copayment and health insurance without copayment is? Do you know the differences between health insurance with copay and one without copay?

If you have decided to take out health insurance to take care of your health and well-being, you must know what it is and what differentiates one health insurance from another. We tell you.

First of all, we must choose the type of policy that we want to contract, whether a health care policy or a medical expense reimbursement policy.

Both options are very good, however, depending on our needs, budget and expectations, one will be better suited than the other.

What is this about?

What is copay?

The copayment is the participation of the insured in a medical act. This means that every time we use our card, the insurance company will contribute with a part of the expense and the insured with another. The amount to be paid by the insured, the copay, will vary depending on the contract.

There are different types and copayment capitals, some are:

What is a no copay policy?

Once explained what a copay is, it is easy to explain what a policy without a copay is. A policy without copay is that policy that, regardless of the use you give it, does not charge you any additional charge other than the monthly payment itself.

You only pay your annual premium.

What insurance with copay do we offer you?

These are our  health insurances with copays :

  • Health Insurance for Reimbursement of Expenses With Copay , with the possibility of choosing the doctor you want with the option of reimbursement.
  • Health Insurance for foreigners in Spain for foreigners residing in Spain who want to take out a comprehensive health policy at a good price.
  • Healthcare Health Insurance with copay. A complete healthcare insurance and a medical chart worthy of the MERCO ranking.

As you can see, we have a motto, our medical insurance with copay, which means health at a good price.


The fundamental difference between health insurance with copay or without copay is that in the case of having copays, the insured has to pay part of the cost of the medical act.

We insist on pointing out that our insurance without copay is not better or worse than health insurance with copays, the policy is the same. The only difference, as we have already said, is in the participation in each medical act, which frequently translates into a more responsible use of resources.

So when choosing between insurance with a co-pay and without a co-pay, all you have to do is ask yourself this question: do I prefer to pay less for the insurance and pay something more when I use it? Do I prefer a fixed fee even if it is higher?

It will therefore be important to analyze the estimated or real frequency of use of medical services in the previous year to opt for one or the other. In summary, copayment in health insurance offers us quality by investing only in what we need. Health insurance with co-payment, whether it is reimbursement of medical expenses or medical chart, allows us to receive the same quality of service as a policy without co-payment, paying a lot and assuming part of the cost of visits when they occur.


As we have indicated, our health policies with copayment are quality policies that offer all the services that their analogs do without copayment, without removing a single one.

However, in the private health market we have been observing that, in a very competitive environment, several insurers offer ‘low cost’ policies for €20 or less. These policies, with ridiculous prices, from €14.90 per month, are policies that do not include Hospitalization or Surgical Interventions, that is, they only offer the possibility of attending a specialist’s consultation.

In most cases, these low cost policies do not include an ambulance, a traffic accident or a contingency caused during work activity.

The ‘low cost’ health companies themselves sell their policies as “the perfect option to pay little if you think you won’t need to go to the doctor often “, however, who is capable of predicting if we will need to go to the hospital or for what?

What does copay insurance mean?

We think this image sums it all up, right? copay health insurance means paying less and being able to allocate what you save to other projects.

We offer you a quality policy, with a very good price, whether you are one person or more, which makes our policy an excellent candidate for the best health insurance with copay, with the added value that we are Health Insurance Advisors so we can resolve all your doubts with the excellence that our professional ethics obliges us to.

The advantages of health insurance with copay

All of us, children and adults, have some health complication, no matter how minor, throughout our lives. When you take out health insurance, you live with the peace of mind that private health insurance offers you.

  1. A reduced premium and access to consultations and specialists for your annual visits and when you need it. 
  2. Access to an agreed medical directory with more than 37,000 professionals and 450 medical centers, or worldwide free choice in the case of expense reimbursement medical insurance.
  3. Pediatrician and Gynecologist of your choice. A co-payment health policy offers you  health care during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as care for the newborn in its first days of life.
  4. Goodbye to the waiting list  Unfortunately, some communities have such a long waiting list that it affects the quality of life of many citizens who did not foresee an unfavorable state of health.
  5. Prevention. The popular proverb already says “prevention is better than cure”. Our co-pay health insurance includes childhood prevention programs and early detection of certain types of cancer, such as gynecological, colorectal or prostate cancer, as well as preventive measures for coronary risk.
  6. Personal Care  The most advanced technologies, innovative treatments and even cosmetic surgery treatments, ophthalmic laser surgery or stem cell conservation, among others, exclusively with our Personal Care coverage.
  7. tooth health. Smile calmly with a dental check-up, hygiene and 85 other acts free. In addition, you will be able to finance, with more than 2000 dentists at your disposal, certain treatments at very attractive prices.
  8. Mental health Because mental health is just as important as physical health. It has therapy sessions, psychologists and psychiatrists to help you overcome those difficult moments.
  9. Comfort and Flexibility With the innovative medical teleassistance service you will have a specialized team 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  10. In addition, by choosing the specialist you will be able to adapt your medical visits to your schedules, without having to miss work, for example.


As you can see, the advantages offered by health insurance are numerous. Taking out insurance with a copay means enjoying quality healthcare support at the lowest possible price.