What to Do if you is Retainers Don’t Fit Anymore?

cosmetic dentistry in Kolkata

You will require a period of retaining therapies once the active part of your treatments is over, regardless of whether you decide to align your teeth with orthodontics, Invisalign, or any other of our alternative orthodontic treatment alternatives. Adhesion keeps your new teeth in perfect alignment, preventing them from shifting back to their original locations and undoing all of your hard work. After diagnosis, you’ll need to keep your retainer sometimes for years, and based on the particulars of your orthodontic issue, you might need to do so for the rest of your life. However, it is occasionally conceivable for teeth to move throughout treatments to the point where your retainer no longer fits. You can visit the best smile makeover dentist in your area.

Before we go any further with the article, let’s take a look at the causes.

Reasons why your retainers are not fitting

It’s crucial that your retainer works snugly and is comfortable for you to wear. It can be uncomfortable, at best, to try to wear a retainer that doesn’t actually fit. Worst case scenario, you could end up breaking your retainer or injuring your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can very well guide you if you can resonate with these reasons.

The Molars Have Moved And Are Now In A New Location Over Time

Your teeth may move out of place if you haven’t maintained your restoration for a while. As a result, your molars and oral entablature will no longer make sense of your old retainer.

Inquire with your doctor or orthodontist about having a retainer that is tailored to the present position of your teeth. This will eventually start unless your molars have permanently shifted into the intended site.

There Is A Damage In Your Retainer

Your retainer’s fit may change if it is damaged. Damage that is immediately apparent, such as when your pet chews, if you have any, on your retainer, is probably evident. Nonetheless, your retainer could sustain little harm that goes undetected.

It is well known that plastic will relax and lose its shape after being softened by hot water. Some retainers are composed of plexiglass and filaments and can alter shape if they are installed or withdrawn incorrectly. Like, employing the whole front strand as a handrail may change the wire’s location and prevent it from fitting correctly.

Not Wearing Them For A Long Time

You shouldn’t have any issues wearing an appliance that is stiff since you’ve not donned it recently but it is still quite simple to insert. In this circumstance, it is typical therefore for a retainer to feel tight and to produce tooth discomfort. Until it feels comfortable once more, wear the retainer continuously. Then, you can resume wearing it as instructed.

Never attempt to shove past discomfort to evade an orthodontist appointment, and never wear the retainer if you have to strain something over your teeth. It is preferable to schedule a visit with an orthodontist so they can determine yet if the teeth have regressed if you are unsure if it would be appropriate to continue wearing an old retainer. A fresh replacement may usually rectify a little slip-up, but major shifting may call for more orthodontic care. You can search by cosmetic dentistry in Kolkata to get the medical advice of a professional. The length of the second iteration of dental procedures will be reduced the earlier you recognise recurrence and begin it. Without treatment, your moved teeth will continue to migrate even more, therefore identifying this early can drastically shorten the time required for re-applying brackets.

Old Retainers

Although we’ll discuss the lifespan of retainers momentarily, with regular maintenance, you may expect years of use from your appliance. Retainers, unfortunately, are not intended to last a lifetime. They will inevitably lose several of their form, and your retainer will no longer fit snugly.

Even when teeth are not in braces, they are continually shifting. The shape of an adult’s jaw changes with age, which has an impact on tooth alignment. Even routine activities like speaking and eating over time produce slow tooth movement.

As a result, there can be a time when a retainer is no longer effective. Most people begin by diligently maintaining their replacement every day, but soon life interferes. Retainers commonly lose their fit because to irregular use.

How To Make The Retainers Fit Again?

If your retainers are not fitting you then don’t freak out. You should be aware that your orthodontist will immediately and readily determine that you do not have a major problem. You can resume having the best-fitting retainer by following the five steps listed below.

Get A New One

You must obtain a new retainer when your periodontist advises you to do so. Even if it no longer fits, you must always keep a retainer of some kind in your mouth. Otherwise, the teeth could shift back to their original places and harm your tooth enamel by eroding or inflicting other issues.

Get It Fitted By Yourself

Next time when you are visiting the dentist’s office or clinic make sure to bring your old retainer with you as the orthodontist will guide you to how to put on the retainers exactly. You can visit your nearby clinic and ask for advice and tips on retainer maintenance.

Change The Retainers Regularly

The success of a retainer in preventing teeth from slipping back to their original positions after being straightened with aligners or other orthodontic appliances directly correlates to how frequently a patient changes it. Because of this, you should seize the chance to change your retainer as frequently as you can; otherwise, it could cause issues in the future.

Try not to let stress get you down because it will make your retainer no longer fit properly and will cause your molars to relocate once more. Your retainer no longer fitting does not mean the world’s final straw. Relax while performing a few easy tasks around the house and making a short appointment with your dentist for a consultation soon. Then, everything ought to be alright since your retainer will quickly fit once more!


You shouldn’t wear a retainer if you are forced to twist or coax  it to fit because doing so could harm your molars or the retention. If you have to force the retainer back into your mouth, it no longer fits, therefore you shouldn’t try to put it back in. Instead, try placing it softly. Make an appointment with your orthodontist; you might need to have the retainer modified or replaced.

The only individual competent to provide you with a replacement that complements your teeth is a dentist or orthodontist. Many instructions for adjusting retainers at home can be found online, but if you reset your retainer incorrectly, you risk harming your teeth’s enamel. Fixing this can be both unpleasant and pricey.It’s also possible that you just didn’t put your retainer in your mouth properly. The more frequently you remove and reinstall your retainer, the farther possible it becomes that you simply did not do so correctly.

The retainer should fit entirely inside of your mouth, far enough back so that the tip may grip your gums and maintain the alignment of your teeth. You may still be able to use your retainer before it needs to be replaced, but you should still seek the advice of your dental surgeon, periodontist, or aligner provider to ensure that it is fitted correctly.

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