Why Being Confident During Online Meetings Matters

Online meetings

When you’re meeting in person, it’s easy to say “yes” and nod your head when someone asks you a question. But sometimes that isn’t the best way to communicate with someone who is sitting across from you. Particularly when it comes to online meetings, this is true. You can’t see each other’s faces or facial expressions, so there’s less room for mistakes! If you want to make sure that everyone has a good experience during any kind of online or virtual meeting, here are some tips for being confident:

Be positive.

  • Be positive.
  • But not over the top.
  • Confident, professional, and friendly are key words here. Don’t forget to be prepared to share your ideas with others and ask questions when needed!

Create your own unique speaking voice.

It’s not necessary for you to shout the loudest in the room. Actually, it would be preferable if you weren’t. But don’t be hesitant to ask questions or speak up when necessary.
As long as your tone is respectful and professional, people will respect your presence more because they know that even though you might be new at this job or project, you’re trying hard and are willing to learn along with everyone else.

You should anticipate interruptions.

Expect interruptions, so be ready.
It’s important to know your material well, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid practice before an online meeting. Practice makes perfect, and when it comes to presenting your material there are a few things you can do to help yourself prepare:

  • Have presentation software that allows you to add notes to slides. This will allow you more time during the meeting itself and give other participants something they’re interested in reading while they wait on their turn (or while they’re trying not-so-hard not to look like they’re reading). If possible, use this same tool when preparing your slides ahead of time too! If not – no problem. Just edit out any distracting information as needed after each slide is shown so people don’t get confused about anything important happening during their turn at speaking/asking questions etc…

Choose the right microphone/headset.

  • Choose the right microphone.

If you’re looking for a good way to ensure that your voice is heard, it’s important to choose a microphone that will allow you to do so comfortably and efficiently. A comfortable headset or headphones are key. And not just because they’ll keep you from getting headaches from wearing something tight around your neck! You want something that feels comfortable enough so that when in conversation with someone else or speaking naturally, it doesn’t feel awkward at all (and if anything does feel awkward then don’t hesitate). Also, make sure there are no wires getting in their way. This could mean either having them come out of the earpiece itself or having them attach themselves somehow on top of the headband instead of inside (or both). Finally, look into noise cancellation features. This help reduces background noise levels while still allowing clear communication between parties involved in an online meeting via video calling software.

Maintain eye contact.

In order to establish trust with someone, maintaining eye contact is crucial. It’s a signal that you’re paying attention to what they have to say and participating in the conversation. In addition, it can help avoid distractions such as looking down at your phone or fidgeting with something on the table during an online meeting.
Maintaining eye contact also helps you stay on track when talking to someone since it forces you to focus on their eyes instead of watching your own hands move around (which usually happens when we’re nervous).
Finally, keeping an ongoing conversation going with someone across multiple meetings over long periods of time requires good eye contact. Because it keeps things moving forward without having any awkward pauses where one party looks away from another due to a lack of interest or fear that they may not be heard if they do not look directly into another person’s eyes while speaking.”

Take care with posture and level of activity in a web conference.

It’s crucial to maintain an open and relaxed body language as you get ready for a web conference. This will make you seem more assured and at ease as you respond to audience questions.

  • Don’t cross your arms or legs (unless they’re crossed during prayer). You may find that this makes you appear nervous or closed off.
  • Do not shake your head or nod too much while someone is speaking. This can be perceived as an indication that they are boring and/or uninteresting to listen to. Instead, let them finish their sentences before answering back!
  • If someone asks a question that requires more than one answer (for example: “What do you think about X?”), try not to move around too much while sharing information on how best to describe their situation with others present at the meeting session. This will make it easier for all parties involved so there aren’t any misunderstandings later down the road once everyone has left again afterward 🙂

Place yourself appropriately far away from the webcam.

If you’re unsure of how to set up your webcam and adjust its settings, please ask one of our customer service representatives for help. They have the skills to help clients with any technical problems they might experience.

With the help of these suggestions, you can feel more assured during virtual meetings, which will improve the situation for everyone.

Here are some suggestions to help you feel more assured during virtual meetings:

  • Be upbeat. Online meetings can be very stressful, but you’ll feel better if you start off with a positive attitude and stay that way throughout the meeting.
  • Develop your own speaking style. If it feels awkward at first, don’t worry about sounding like everyone else in the room. Just take care of yourself and make sure to stick to what works best for YOU!
  • The more comfortable we all are during these virtual conversations, the better off we’ll all be as a result. And this includes being able to listen closely enough when someone else wants their ideas heard (or interrupted).
  • Be prepared for interruptions. It’s easy to get frustrated by other people’s lackadaisical behavior when they’re not getting their point across fast enough. However, these types of interruptions happen often enough that it’s important not only to focus on what someone wants to be said. But also to have some kind of strategy in place so as not to annoy anyone else who might want some attention too!


Confidence is a good thing. It can make your life easier and help you get the job done well. We hope these tips will help you develop that confidence, but if not, at least they’ll make things a little more interesting!