Diseases Nutritional Therapy Can Control

Every person has a unique physiological make-up as well as nutritional requirements. Nutritional therapy uses nutrient intake and lifestyle changes to prevent and treat diseases like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression, and obesity. This treatment method can come from IV therapy, medical food, and oral supplements.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy addresses symptoms and various conditions by examining and changing lifestyle factors and dietary habits.

Your provider will conduct a nutrition assessment by looking at your medical history. They may also ask about your lifestyle and diet before determining a diagnosis and treatment program tailored to your condition and goals. Examples include digestion and absorption support, natural detoxification, stress management, and weight loss or weight gain assistance. Every patient needs to be focused and detailed attention to a customized treatment approach. Your provider may recommend a combination of dietary plans, oral supplements, or intravenous fluid.

Regarding a dietary plan, the food recommendations for nutritional therapy are mainly plant and animal-sourced. The nutrients found in these are macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Some micronutrients, like vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, and fiber, are also found in organic and unprocessed food.

IV nutrition therapy, on the other hand, has different purposes. It involves injecting liquid nutrients via an IV to replenish deficient nutrients in your body.

What Diseases Nutritional Therapy can Control: 

Nutritional therapy can control various diseases. 

  1. Diabetes

Diabetes is now a common disease, and we often get to hear about people who are diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes is caused when your blood sugar level escalates exponentially. There are two types of diabetes. Number 1 is where your pancreas produces too little amount of insulin, and then type 2 is where insulin is not used by your body properly to regulate blood sugar. 

People leave diabetes unattended, which leads to more complications like nerve and vision damage, stroke, kidney diseases, poor circulation, heart disease, and gum infections. 

This is where nutritional therapy plays its part. According to research, nutritional therapy lowers hemoglobin which causes diabetes.

  • Heart Diseases: 

Heart disease refers to several conditions that affect the way your heart functions. Some heart diseases include irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and plaque buildup in your arteries. If it is not treated on time, it may result in heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, heart failure, and even death. 

Now to reduce these risk factors, nutritional therapy comes into play. Nutritional therapy can control bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and high blood pressure. A nutritional therapy practitioner may suggest you opt for a diet that contains zero or low fat, cholesterol, sodium, and inflammatory foods. The nutritional therapy practitioner may emphasize taking more fruits and vegetables. 

  • Cancer: 

When an individual is diagnosed with cancer, it means the abnormal cells of the body have started to divide uncontrollably. Nutritional therapy can help control cancer. 

What Are the Benefits of Nutritional Therapy?

Avoid Nutrient Deficiency

Many people live unhealthy lifestyles, which leaves them nutrient-deficient. Other people develop or inherit allergies or sensitivities to certain food groups. Eliminating these foods from your diet is key to avoiding negative reactions or complications. To avoid nutrient deficiency, your provider can monitor your condition and recommend appropriate food alternatives or oral supplements.

Weight Loss or Weight Gain

You can achieve a healthy weight with the guidance of your doctor. You can get the nutrients you need through nutritional therapy with an appropriate diet and exercise regimen. Your nutritional therapy will differ depending on the results you want. If you want to lose weight, your plan will include calorie control and exercise. If you want to gain weight, your plan will include ample calorie intake and fewer exercises that burn off calories.

Boost Your Immune System

Safe and effective formulations for metabolic support, immune system health, and brain and gastrointestinal health are also available through nutritional therapy. With carefully curated food supplements from experts, you can boost your immune system, so your body can function as it should.


Oral supplements for detoxification are available for appropriate patients. IV nutritional therapy helps improve skin conditions by removing bodily toxins. Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, is a nutrient that helps get rid of toxins.

Decrease Stress and Chronic Fatigue

Some nutritional therapy methods can ease your stress. Meyer’s cocktail includes a mix of nutrients like magnesium, vitamins, calcium, and other minerals. It also has many other benefits, such as addressing vitamin deficiency, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Meanwhile, B12 therapy is useful in treating chronic fatigue.

Manage and Prevent Chronic Diseases

A significant benefit of nutritional therapy is its ability to support the management of chronic diseases like diabetes, digestive problems, heart disease, and cancer. Losing weight and boosting your immunity significantly reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

People with digestive concerns like ulcers, irritable bowel movements, and intestinal removal face long-term issues. These conditions can result in malnutrition, poor nutrient absorption, toxin production in the colon, and inflammation. Your doctor can create a customized diet plan for your digestive condition, reducing symptoms and keeping you nutritionally healthy.


Finally, chemotherapy and cancer medications can adversely affect health, such as a reduced appetite and a damaged gastrointestinal lining. Cancer patients are, therefore, at risk of malnutrition. Nutritional therapy practitioners can help such patients remain healthy.

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