social media strategies

The introduction of MySpace in the early 2000s officially introduced the world to social media. Tom Anderson launched the social media platform ideally to help musicians and bands share music and information gradually paving the way for Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social media platforms we see today. EvenContinue Reading

Social Media Facts

Have you ever wondered how many people use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms? Or what percentage of the world’s population is on social media? In this blog post, we’re going to share some staggering social media facts that will blow your mind. What is Social Media? Social media isContinue Reading

Best YouTube music promotion company

Companies can advertise on YouTube to reach millions of potential clients. Additionally, YouTube is a much better place to identify your target demographic if you are marketing to younger generations than traditional television is. YouTube is the social media platform of choice for gamers worldwide, with 48.7% of them preferringContinue Reading